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Automatically transform complex python methods to polars expressions

Update 28.09.2023: My colleague Bela held a Lightning Talk at the Big PyData BBQ. You can check it out on YouTube!

In this post, we introduce polarIFy, a Python function decorator that gives you a simpler way to write logical statements for Polars. With polarIFy, you can use Python's language structures like if / elif / else statements and transform them into pl.when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) statements. This makes your code more readable and less cumbersome to write.

At QuantCo, we frequently deal with insurance contracts where the calculation behavior is contingent upon the exact tariff. For instance, we might calculate certain properties differently for older contracts compared to newer ones.

This introduces a degree of conditional business logic into our data processing pipelines. When working with Polars, these conditional operations often translate into nested pl.when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) statements. While this structure is powerful and allows for a great deal of flexibility, it can quickly become complex and difficult to read, especially when dealing with multiple conditions or branches.

This is where polarIFy comes in. By allowing us to write these conditional statements in a more Pythonic way using if / elif / else structures, polarIFy greatly simplifies our code. It makes our Polars pipelines cleaner, more readable, and less prone to errors, especially when dealing with the intricate conditional logic often required in our work with insurance contracts.

Using polarIFy

polarIFy can automatically transform Python functions using if / elif / else statements into Polars expressions. Here's an example:

def func(x: pl.Expr) -> pl.Expr:
    s = 1
    if x > 10:
        return s + 10
        t = 2

    if x > 0:
        return t
        return -s

This gets transformed into:

def func_polarified(x: pl.Expr) -> pl.Expr:
    return (
        pl.when(x > 10)
        .then(1 + 10)
            pl.when(x > 0)

polarIFy can also handle multiple statements and nested statements, making it a versatile tool for simplifying your Polars code.

How it works

Let's take a look at the above example in a control flow graph:

Control flow graph

In order to transform this control flow into a Polars expression, we need to keep track of all possible assignments to variables to determine when to return what. We do that by creating a dictionary assignments for each node that maps variable names to their values.

Control flow graph

At the beginning, we haven't assigned any values to any variables, so we start with an empty dictionary: assignments = {}.

In the first step, we assign the value 1 to the variable s, so we update the dictionary: assignments = {'s': 1}.

Control flow graph

Going further, we evaluate if x > 10. This translates to the polars expression pl.when(x > 10).then(..).otherwise(..). We need to keep track recursively of all possible assignments to variables and the return value of the then and else branches of our control flow.

Since the then branch directly returns s + 10, we can just put a s + 10 in our polars expression: pl.when(x > 10).then(assignments['s'] + 10).otherwise(..).

Now, let's look at the else branch. We assign the value 2 to the variable t, so we create a new dictionary from the old one with our new assignment: assignments = {'s': 1, 't': 2}.

We now have another if statement which gets translated into another pl.when(x > 0).then(..).otherwise(..) expression.

The then branch returns the value of t, which we can get from our assignments dictionary. Thus, we can put assignments['t'] into our polars expression: pl.when(x > 0).then(assignments['t']).otherwise(..). The else branch returns -s, which we can also get from our assignments dictionary: pl.when(x > 0).then(..).otherwise(-assignments['s']).

All in all, we land at the following polars expression:

    pl.when(x > 10)
    .then(1 + 10)
        pl.when(x > 0)


Since polarIFy transforms Python functions into Polars expressions, it can only handle logic that Polars itself can also do. For instance, it can't handle for and while loops, since it is not possible to do loops for a single element with Polars expressions. Also, functions with side effects (like print, raise or pl.write_csv) are not supported since these don't make sense in a Polars expression context.

Since polarIFy is a relatively new project, it might not work for all use cases yet. As of August 2023, there are some known limitations:

  • match ... case statements are not supported
  • the walrus operator := is not supported


polarIFy is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of writing conditional statements in Polars. By allowing you to write conditions in a more Pythonic way, it makes your code cleaner and easier to understand. We're excited about its potential to make working with Polars even more efficient and enjoyable.

We're always looking for feedback and contributions, so feel free to check out the polarIFy GitHub repository and let us know what you think!

This is a cross-post from the QuantCo blog. Check out the other posts there!